協會感謝周大福珠寶集團董事總經理黃兆基先生為活動致歡迎辭。同時,感謝一眾勞苦功高的專業評審們,提供專業意見並選出了十大首席快樂官欣賞大獎的得獎企業。此外,我們亦特別鳴謝協會榮譽主席吳克儉先生, GBS, JP為我們致閉幕詞,敬請期待!
Judges of Final Presentation Day 2023:
Mr. Eddie Ng, GBS, JP (Honorary Chairman, Chief Happiness Officer Association )
Ms. Grace Tse (Founder, Greater Bay Area Hong Kong Women Entrepreneurs Association)
Ms. Lancy Chui (Senior Vice President of Greater China Region, ManpowerGroup)
Miss Coty Yip (President, Innovative Entrepreneur Association)
Mr. Calvin Cheng (President, The Hong Kong Small & Medium Enterprises Association)
Mr. Darron Sun (Vice-chairman, Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia)
Mr. Paul Pong (Founder, Institute of ESG & Benchmark)
Mr. Kent Wong (Managing Director, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group)
Mr. Randy Chiu (RCTM Professionals)
Ms. Stella (BNI HK)