In recent years, the term ESG has become a hot topic in the investment community. ESG stands for Environmental (environment), Social (social), and Governance (corporate governance). It is a concept of corporate responsibility and sustainable investment. In recent years, more and more investors around the world use it. ESG score is used to measure the social responsibility performance of a company. It is believed that this score can measure the external risk of the company and see the future performance of a company. The CHO concept is promoting Social’s sustainable investment concept, encouraging enterprises to formulate humane and standardized human resource management strategies, and practice the value of enterprises and society. Therefore, to further promote the development of ESG, talent cultivation is crucial.
Academic researchers found that U.S. companies rated as “best places to work” outperformed their peers over time. In basic quantitative research, if S&P 500 companies are ranked by their workplace sentiment scores over the past month, the shares of companies with very high scores (top 5%) outperform by a large margin on a monthly basis with lower scores (later). 5%) companies. Meaning, higher employee happiness means higher company value.