【ASK IT: Happy Sharing Culture brings Can-Do Attitude】

ASK IT Limited provides human resources and recruitment-related solutions for enterprises with the service characteristics of HR x IT. “Happy Sharing” is their core value. Offering effective IT x HR solutions makes them happy, while their greatest happiness comes from making their colleagues’ and clients’ lives better by maintaining sustainable win-win relationships and sharing their success.
As a people-centered company, colleagues’ happiness is always the top priority in implementing their policies. Colleagues are invited to share their ideas from organizing employee activities to makeover of office space. The company makes their dream come true while creativities and innovative elements will be added to surprise everybody – “Office Weight Loss Incentive Program”, “World Cup Random Guess Contest” and “Valentine’s Day Happy Flowers” to name a few. They believe that happy employees bring positive impacts to the company. From their practice, we see that colleagues with a higher sense of belongingness are more productive and more willing to commit to the business development.
The Founder, Mr. Murphy Lai, comes from a well-known IT multinational company with a counseling background, also loves watching comedies. Thanks to Murphy’s sophisticated industry knowledge and well-programmed humor, the staff feel free to walk into his office and share their thoughts and feelings at work, which may appear unusual to outsiders. He revealed the secret of talent acquisition and employee relations in ASK IT is the culture of “Speak Out If You Love It” and the spirit of “Sure, Let Me Fix It”. Feedbacks and ideas are always welcome.
ASK IT Limited was awarded The Happiest SME to Work For Award 2022. The building of a happy corporate culture for employees by taking care of their mental health and investing creativity and technology in order to improve employee’s happiness, as well as driving positive changes in business processes and work efficiency.
#CHOAppreciationAwards 2022 #十大最快樂中小企大獎 #ASKIT #雅思信息科技 #HappiestCompany