Happy DSE, Hong Kong Energy
Happy DSE, Hong Kong Energy
Campaign Introduction
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation in Hong Kong, the Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) will be shortened from one month to three weeks. This year, there are about 40,000 candidates in total, who will be taking four core subjects’ exams within a six days period. It is vital to show love, care and support from the local community to these candidates who had been working really hard for their future under extreme circumstances.
As an organization that promotes happiness in Hong Kong, the Chief Happiness Officer Association (Chief Happiness Officer Association) will launch the ” Happy DSE, Hong Kong Energy” campaign, calling on local enterprises to provide immediate support for the DSE candidates in Hong Kong and cheer them up!
4 core goals
Distribute “Happy Cheering Kit” to DSE candidates
Apply flexible working arrangements, allowing DSE Candidates to travel smoothly
Offer special discounts and privileges to DSE candidates
Cheer for DSE candidates
Supporting Organizations
Campaign achievement
Package more than 30000 ”Happy Kits"
“Happy Kits” Sponsoring Organization:
- Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group sponsors masks
- Human Health Holdings Limited sponsors anti-epidemic materials
- LBS Group sponsors alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Family First Hong Kong Limited sponsors Rapid Antigen Test Kit (RAT)
- Digi-Advance Technology Limited sponsors Rapid Antigen Test Kit (RAT)
Cheer for DSE Candidates
Calling on companies to offer special exam supports

Calling on companies to offer DSE benefits

– Online Press Release
– Kick-off Ceremony and “Happy Kits Packaging Day 1
– “Happy Kits Packaging Day 2
– Deliver “Happy Kits” to more than 140 schools
– “Happy Kits” Collection starts
– Cheer for DSE candidates
– Calling on flexible working hours
– Cheering video
– DSE benefits
Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim, Former Secretary for Education and Honorary Advisor Chairman of the Chief Happiness Officer Association
Ms. Mary Suen, Founder and Executive Chairman, Chief Happiness Officer Association
Ms. June Leung, Advisor of the Chief Happiness Officer Association and Activity Initiator
Ms. Titania Woo, Executive Director of Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA)
- Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim, Former Secretary for Education and Honorary Advisor Chairman of the Chief Happiness Officer Association
- Mr. Duncan Chiu, President of the Hong Kong Information Technology Association
- Mr. Suen Chi-Keung, Executive Director of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group
- Ms. Mary Suen, Founder and Executive Chairman, Chief Happiness Officer Association
- Ms. June Leung, Advisor of the Chief Happiness Officer Association and Activity Initiator
- Ms. Lisa Ngai, President of Yau Tsim District, Scout Association of Hong Kong
4.10 ”Happy Kits" Packaging day 2
4.11 Deliver "Happy Kits" to schools
4.12 "Happy Kits" Collection starts
4.22-25 Volunteers Cheer for DSE candidates
首席快樂官協會(Chief Happiness Officer Association)作為推動香港快樂文化的機構,我們將開展「為DSE考生+快樂能量」活動,號召企業為香港應屆DSE考生提供適切支援,為他們打打氣!活動至今已召集超過50間跨界別企業的大力支持,包括周大福珠寶集團捐贈3萬個高防護度口罩、盈健醫療集團捐贈的防疫醫療用品、史偉莎集團捐贈酒精消毒搓手液等等。