In many traditional companies, the annual job promotion process is a secret black box, whereby a list of names for promotions are simply announced. Our CHO Appreciation Awards 2021 Awardee HKBN, do promotion reviews two times a year. They differ in that they offer maximum transparency in the process, so as to showcase why they’ve passed and failed promotion applications, and by doing so, they aim to inspire a higher standard for promotions every sequent period.

The reporting supervisor at HKBN only nominates the candidate for promotion into our management tier, however the actual promotion is decided upon by an independent group of executives. Their process is designed to improve consistency across different departments and minimize the subjective influence of the reporting supervisor. The nominating supervisor should be certain that his/her promotion nominee meets our company-wide leadership standards, rather than merely his/her personal preferences.

In terms of corporate happiness culture, employee growth and progress is a key area for long-term and sustainable talent retention. Dear leaders, you might as well spend more effort on optimizing the promotion structure and system, we believe employees will be more engaged in the company’s goals.

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