CHO Forum
CHO Forum We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you for attending the CHO Forum Series: Future of Happiness at the Workplace. It was an exceptional event brimming with insightful
CHO Forum We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you for attending the CHO Forum Series: Future of Happiness at the Workplace. It was an exceptional event brimming with insightful
【Brand new happy stickers are now available for download!】 In order to bring more happiness into everyone’s busy lives, our association has specially created a new set of emoticons! We hope that
【免費登記】企業文化及人才發展策略諮詢 助你展開團隊升級轉型 企業搶人難? 高薪留唔住人才? 員工缺乏動力,業績每況月下? 免費登記企業文化及人才發展策略諮詢:自從協會在香港推動首席快樂官運動後,超過200間本港及跨國公司參與推動企業快樂文化,展開企業文化轉型改善工作氛圍後,員工的生產力與團結度大幅提升,所以要解決以上問題是有方法的!首席快樂官協會創始人兼執行主席Ms. Mary Suen,是資深企業文化與人才發展顧問,曾經為多間上市公司執行企業文化轉型,短短幾個月內提升企業的整體工作效率,解決當前的經營危機。Mary擁有多個國際認可企業培訓資格、曾經為超過100間大、中小企業提供企業文化轉型顧問服務及人才培訓課程,數十萬名企業員工受惠。協會現正為正面臨人才問題的企業老闆/管理層提供免費企業文化及人才發展策略諮詢,由資深企業文化與人才發展顧問Ms. Mary Suen透過訪談對人才招募、培訓、發展、激勵、留任等方面進行諮詢,以透視企業的人才管理策略是否符合企業的發展需求,並提出改進建議。 透過企業文化及人才發展策略諮詢,企業可以了解自己的人才管理優勢和不足之處,並提出改進計劃,以確保能夠吸引、培養、激勵和留住優秀的人才,從而提高企業的競爭力和長期發展。
Attention Retail Leaders: Are you struggling to create a positive work environment for your team? With the ongoing challenges in the retail industry, it’s more important now than ever to prioritize workplace